Are you wondering which solar panel manufacturer is the best one for you? There are so many companies on the market; it can seem overwhelming at times! We believe the best way to research a product is by learning about the company and checking out some of their reviews! Today we’ll do solar panel reviews for three different manufacturers: Q-Cells, LG, and Solaria. Let’s get started!
Q-Cells Reviews
Q-Cells is a Tier 1 solar panel manufacturer that makes high-performance solar products for commercial, residential, and industrial use. Tier 1 means that they are one of the big brands in the solar industry with a good reputation. They’re near the top of the market for performance, efficiency, and warranty.
Q-Cells were founded in 1999 and quickly grew to become one of the top manufacturers in the world. Due to the economic downturn and strong competition, in 2011, they filed for insolvency. The Hanwha Group purchased them, a South Korean company with an exceptional solar panel business. Hanwha brought together their team of German engineers to reinvigorate the Q-Cells brand and become one of the world’s top ten solar manufacturers. They have manufacturing plants across the globe, including a giant U.S. facility in Georgia.
How They Compare
The industry average for solar panels is around 15%-20% efficient, with commercial solar panel efficiency going as high as 22.8%. Q-Cells start around 20% efficiency and top out at 20.9%. So, they are considered highly efficient compared to the market. Q-Cells come with a 12-year product warranty and a 25-year performance warranty. They guarantee that their solar panels will operate at no less than 98% of the solar panel’s rating during the first year and decrease by a maximum of 0.54% every year after. Their warranty matches the average of other Tier 1 companies in the industry. We can assure homeowners that Q-Cells are high-quality solar panels backed by a great warranty.
LG Reviews
LG is well known for making high-quality electronics, and when it comes to solar panels, they’re near the top of the food chain. They’re part of the world’s most financially stable industrial conglomerates with various electrical consumer brands. So, you can be sure the company will stay around to honor their warranty.
How They Compare
LG solar panels start at 18.4% and go up to 20.8% efficiency. They are incredibly efficient, and come at a similar or lower price point than their competitors when it comes to a retail level (including installation). In addition, LG offers a 25-year materials warranty against any manufacturing defects in their solar panels. With their great performance and warranty, and reasonable price at a consumer level, they’re considered one of the top manufacturers in the industry.
Solaria Reviews
Solaria is considered a rising star in the solar panel industry. They manufacture products for both commercial and residential buildings and believe in achieving more solar power output through high-quality panels. Solaria’s industry-leading modules deliver great results by leveraging c-Si cells, re-assembled with precise semiconductor automation.
Solaria began in the early 2000s and now produces all-black, highly efficient solar panels in South Korea and the United States. Over time they’ve put together a multidisciplinary team of engineers and scientists, with a great ingenuity for design, to developed an efficient manufacturing process with a sophisticated product. Their sleek appearance, high energy efficiency, and reasonable price point have helped them gain popularity in the market.
How They Compare
Solaria is considered a good investment for business owners and homeowners who are looking for high-quality solar panels. They’re an excellent option for customers who want to support American businesses, as they have a significant manufacturing presence in North America. Their efficiency varies depending on the model, but their efficiency rating ranges from 19.4% – 20.5%. They back their products with a 25-year warranty for any defects.
Sunlight Solar Inc.
We hope our solar panel reviews helped you learn a little bit more about some of the current manufacturers on the market! As you can see, Q-Cells, LG, and Solaria all produce highly efficient products and have an excellent reputation in the solar industry. If you have any questions about solar panels or would like to get a quote for your home or business, Sunlight Solar is happy to help! You can click here to check out some of the reviews on our solar panels. Feel free to give us a call at (858) 360-8295 or by filling out our contact form on our website.