4 Signs Your Home is a Great Candidate for Solar Panels

Many homes can benefit significantly from solar panels, but it’s important to understand what to expect from a solar system for your home. There are several ways to determine if solar panels would be a good investment for you, your family, and your home. These 4 signs your home is a great candidate for solar panels indicate whether or not you should upgrade your efficiency with a solar system installation.

1. Direct Sunlight on Your Roof

Whether your rooftop receives more shade or sunlight is a significant factor in determining if your home is a good candidate for solar panels. If your roof gets significant shade from trees or your neighbor’s home, it could negatively impact the effectiveness of solar panels. But, if your roof gets plenty of bright, direct sunlight during nice weather, you should consider installing solar panels. Because your roof gets lots of direct sunlight, you probably use your AC often to keep the house cool and comfortable in the warmer months. The energy costs created by your cooling system can be offset by the energy your solar panels will produce with the direct sunlight your roof receives.

2. The Direction of Your Roof

The direction your rooftop faces impacts the amount of direct sunlight it receives throughout the day. A south-facing rooftop offers the best results for solar panels. East-west facing roofs are less effective because they aren’t in the sun’s immediate path for most of the day. If you have an east-facing roof, don’t completely toss away the potential installation of solar panels, but factor it into your research and final decision.

3. The Cost of Your Monthly Energy Bill

Take some time to analyze your monthly energy costs before considering solar panels. If your energy costs are above $75 per month, your home may be an excellent candidate for solar panels. It may not be worth installing solar panels if you don’t usually have a high bill or one that goes over $75. Remember to take the energy cost over a year to get an accurate idea of what you typically pay. Sometimes your bills are low in cooler months but skyrocket in the warmer months.

4. Local Precipitation Levels

Consider the climate and average yearly precipitation where you live before deciding if you should purchase solar panels for your home. If you live in an area with moderate to low amounts of precipitation, you could be a great candidate for solar panels. Homes in areas with heavy amounts of rain and snow won’t benefit as much from solar panels because of the lack of sunlight.

High-Quality Solar Panels with Sunlight Solar

These top signs are just a few examples of why your home might benefit from solar panels. Keep them in mind when you talk with a professional installer who will help you assess the pros and cons of a solar panel system for your home. For a top-quality solar company in Southern California, contact Sunlight Solar, Inc. Call us at (858) 564-8032 or click here to discuss if solar panels are right for you! We will thoroughly evaluate your home and the effectiveness of a potential solar system before providing you with a FREE quote.

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