A home is one of the most extravagant purchases you will make. When maintaining your household, you will want to keep costs as low as possible. There are several effective ways to save energy to cut your monthly expenses. Reducing energy usage is one thing that is worth learning about when you own a home. Decreasing your energy use will only benefit you in the long run. Following energy-saving tips is a way to cut costs and save you money every month, so here are eight energy-saving tips every homeowner should know and use.
1. Use Ceiling Fans
When the weather gets warmer, your air conditioner can sometimes become an overwhelming cost. Running the A/C all day seems okay because your home is comfortable, but you might think differently when the bill comes at the end of the month. You can reduce your energy costs in the summer by using ceiling fans instead of the air conditioner – they keep your home just as cool and comfortable. Ceiling fans are a great alternative to an air conditioner because even if you use them all day, the cost is still significantly less. Remember to turn off any fans you aren’t using to keep costs low, especially when leaving the house. If you live in a warmer climate, you can keep your fans on year-round to circulate air and not worry about getting too cold.
2. Go Solar
Every homeowner should consider going solar. Solar power is a practical way to avoid overspending on your energy usage. Solar panels use energy from the sun to create reliable electricity for your home. Installing a solar panel system can significantly reduce your energy usage and increase your savings. Solar panels are environmentally friendly and do not use any harmful energy sources – it’s guaranteed that there is no production of any air pollution. A reliable team of solar professionals, like Sunlight Solar Inc., can come and install your system when you decide to make the switch.
3. Keep Your Blinds Closed
Sunlight entering your home can make your space hot and uncomfortable. Keeping your blinds and curtains closed during the day in the warmer months is another excellent energy-saving tip. When your windows and curtains are closed, it prevents the sun from shining directly through your windows and bringing heat into your home. The reverse happens during the winter months; heat can escape through your windows. Keeping the blinds and curtains closed reduces heat loss. Cellular and honeycomb shades are blinds that retain heat for your living spaces. The amount of heat you use during the winter can help determine which blinds would be best used in your home.
4. Unplug Electronics
When you leave electronics plugged in, they act like vampires and continue to suck up energy even if they aren’t on or being used. Unplugging these devices helps you save on energy costs and protects your electronics from power surges. Phone chargers, coffee makers, microwaves, and computers are just some examples of electronics that are often left plugged in and aid in raising your electricity bill. Keeping these items unplugged when you are not using them helps save you money and extends the lifespan of your electrical devices.
5. Seal Windows and Doors
When there are drafts in your doors and windows, heat and cool air move in and out of your home when they shouldn’t. When this happens, fans, air conditioners, and heaters have to work to either cool or warm your home because of these drafts, causing your energy use to rise. Sealing the leaks in your doors and windows prevents heat and air loss and conserves energy. Caulk and weatherstrips can be placed on your windows and doors to prevent air leakage and a rise in energy costs. The seals help reduce unnecessary energy use and regulate a comfortable temperature throughout your home.
6. Use Insulated Curtains
Thick insulated curtains help keep your home warm, so you don’t have to turn up the heat and use more energy. These curtains also stop energy loss from happening through your windows. Energy-efficient insulated curtains come in decorative styles, designs, and materials, so you can match them to whatever aesthetics your rooms have.
7. Use Cold Water When Doing Laundry
Using cold water during your laundry days also decreases your energy use. When you use cold water for your laundry, you save on your monthly heating costs. The cold water can also be beneficial because it preserves your clothes’ color and prevents them from shrinking.
8. Turn Off Lights
Remember when your mom would get mad at you for leaving the lights on in rooms that you weren’t using? Well, that’s because leaving your lights on all day can lead to a spike in your electric bill. Turning off the lights in your home when you’re not using them prevents your monthly costs from rising. It’s also an excellent way to ensure that your light bulbs last longer.
Save Energy to Put Less Stress on Your Pockets
These energy-saving tips will help cushion your monthly spending and keep your home functional. You’ll then become more aware and cautious of your energy usage. Solar panels are one way to save energy, and at Sunlight Solar Inc., we can install yours. Call us at (858) 564-8032 or check out our website for a quote today!